Malaysian Fruits


Durio zibethinus – a.k.a. Civet Fruit

Having one of the most pungent odors of any fruit in the world, the durian is either scorned or adored. Many regale its nutty, caramel tasting flesh, calling the durian the king of all fruits. Others will not go near it, for the intense odor, often overwhelmingly noxious, destroys any chance at enjoying the flavor. Flavor is sometimes described as a unique blend of nuts, spices, banana, and onions mixed together. Fruit is very large, sometimes over one foot long, and is covered in sharp, hard spikes. In Malaysia, most hotels will banned any visitors to bring in durian to the room. Usually you will see this sign at the entrance of the hotel.


Nephelium lappaceum

The rambutan, is a fruit considered exotic to people outside of its native range. To people of Malaysia, Thailand, the Phillippines, Vietnam, Borneo, and other countries of this region, the rambutan is a relatively common fruit the same way an apple is common to many people in cooler climates. This may change for the rambutan over time as availability and distribution improve. The clear white flesh similar to lycee have a sweet taste and yet watery. In French, rambutan is called -ramboutan or ramboutanier and in Dutch, ramboetan. Note that the hairy skin is not to be eaten. If you interested to know more about rambutan and how to open the skin this website might comes handy –


Garcinia mangostana – a.k.a Mangosteen

The mangosteen grows on small trees native to tropical Malaysia. The mangosteen has a tough, leathery purple rind that encloses white fruit segments. The flesh is juicy, sweet and slightly tart. The mangosteen is ripe when its outer skin is slightly soft to the touch and its purple color is fully developed. Ripe mangosteens keep well for 3 to 4 weeks in storage at 40 to 55 F (4.44-12.78 C). Longer periods cause the outer skin to toughen and the rind to become rubbery; later, the rind hardens and becomes difficult to open and the flesh turns dry.


