Is it really a need to brand the country? What will be the outcome of this? What are the things that we aim to achieve from this process? What will be the impact of branding the country. And what will be next? Branding the nation. Or perhaps it is now. Branding according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd Edition is an identifying mark burned on livestock or (esp. formerly) criminals or slaves with a branding iron.In this contexts branding is to identify the certain things about the country. Or to project certain ideas of what the country is?
Wally Olins (2000) chairman of the branding consultancy Saffron in London and Madrid, warns that sometimes this idea of branding places is does work, but the relationship between the product and place branding is by no means simple. While there may be similarities between product and place brands, “the idea of nation as a brand is a very big mistake’.
i m sorry, i use ur photo as i m having some study or research in Seremban town where my projects location is.
Nice to meet u, i m phayung, study in architecture, in kl!! nice to meet u, sorry for the inconvienient!!1:smile: