Changing the norm. Transforming from Face-to-face to online engaging activity.

Something that deserved to be posted here on the wall. I love transformation and make change for better. Many educators find it challenging to transformed from their face to face teaching to an online class. For them, it just don’t fit in, more of a concerned that they will not full fill the students expectation of the content and that it will not be as fun as it is if the class is conducted in an online environment. There are too many questions to ask, what about student’s engagement? What about the technical aspect of it? What about the students? What about the content? Can it be transformed? My answer – Of course we can. It might be slightly different from the face to face class but who knows it might be better too. So we did and I think it might be the latter outcome.

And we also wrote an article about it and published it at Monash Intercultural Lab Newsletter June 2021.

Back in Australia. Part 1.

I have been not very active in this blog, not because I am not active online but life has been pretty full-on and by the time I looked back it passed 2020.
Well in 2020, I took a spin of my career, well after taking 1.5 years off from work to focus on nursing my baby. It was a hard decision as a career woman, I now know how it feels for many women who have to sacrifice their dream job for a family. And it is true what they say, at least for me, that family does come first.


So in 2017, I left Malaysia to follow my husband back to Australia, and to be with my children in Australia. I left my full-time work as a Senior Lecturer at a public university in Malaysia, property, family, and friends. It wasn’t an easy decision to make but it was a worthy one. I left without much thought on what will I do in my career path. But I do have a dream, that I want to go back on my design practice and less academic work. I have been too long as an academic and while I was in that position, I feel that I needed to go back to a technical-driven part of my career one day.

Life in Australia seems easy to many, but not to us. We are back in Melbourne with 2 little kids, no family, and no job for me. We started from scratch again but with a big dream that we will find the balance and quality of life here in the city of Melbourne that we used to know. Work-life-balance as they all said here. What we cannot find in Malaysia, and the reason why we decided to move back here.

I am going to stop here and will continue again this post for Part 2 when we arrived in Australia. What happened, how do we start, the challenges and the fun living in Melbourne with little children.