Petronas Merdeka Ads!

I saw this link while i’m browsing around and fine it interesting to relate it in my research. Have a look at this site Petronas Celebrate Merdeka With you!. It have two Ads. It would be nice to get some respond from other Malaysian about this Ads. You can share this Ads with your friends just by sending it by email. And futher more you can share your thought about this Ads.

Here is what I think about it:

I think this Ad is more like a religious Ad. Personally, as this Ad is for Merdeka Day, and as I’m Malaysia, although I’m looking at this Ads from outside of Malaysia, I think this Ads should have more than what this Ad trying to show. Expecially if it’s for Merdeka Day. The day that we all celebrate, all of us, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh, kadazan, Iban, and much more. This is what it should have! All of us in one! One Nation!

What about the multicultural people we have? What about how we survived being Malaysian all this 50 years? The begining the movie just shows only one religion, well, it show Arabic or middle-east people rather than showing Malaysian muslim man, that is not Malaysia! Perhaps because Petronas want to show that in Malaysia, there is only Muslim? What about other races and religion? It can be controversy Ad!

Let me know what you think of this!

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Again, questions of Malaysian Identity!

After my discussion with Dr. Laurene, my supervisor yesterday about my website forum project and ethics application form, the questions belows pop out! There are few questions about Malaysian Identity that interest me, but lets define what I mean with Malaysian Identity. In my research Malaysian Identity that I’m searching for is the element of Malaysian identity that have in Malaysian products. That’s what I mean, not the whole idea of Malaysian Identity! Don’t get confuse with it, as how sometimes I get confuse through researching this subject.

So just to sort of breaking the ice in this topic, here are few interesting questions to think about:

1. What does the term ‘Malaysian Identity’ mean to you?

2. What does the term ‘National Branding’ and ‘National Brand’ mean to you?

3. What do you think is the relationship between national imagery, cultural identity and indiginous products?
How are they similar? How are they different?

4. Do you actively try to creat a ‘Malaysian feel’ in your profesional work?

5. Do you think that national identifiable brands will exist in 2020?

Well let’s start thinking about this! I think I should!