Exploration of Malaysian Design+Products+Culture!

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As I”m trying to understand and searching for Identity of Malaysia, series of my personal collection cartoon comic book comes across my mine. I did mention in my blog in March 2006, first time I started this PhD about how I fine the cartoon is very interesting and reflects most of my childhood memories.

Lat the cartoonist have lots of sketches about Malaysian. From history, politics, culture, economy, languages and much more that I could think of about Malaysian. So I thought in the search of Malaysian Identity, which I’m still searching that Lat Cartoon book might have it. May be I could analyze the cartoon and reflect it on the Identity of Malaysia.

Below is some of the snap shots from Lat’s Cartoon that related to my research at this moment
Malaysian Design + Products + Culture


Credit Image: Lat and Gangs Comic Book (1987)
Malaysia First Own National Car – Proton Saga